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Main » 2009 » March » 3 » Explorer E-Trac
Explorer E-Trac
In September, 2008 has gone on sale new 28 frequency metallodetektor Explorer E-Trac. It is the fourth version well-known Explorer. 

Perhaps, one of remarkable features of new model Explorer E-Trac - completely Russified interface. Hardly now it will be possible to hear opinion that Explorer the difficult device in development. Engineers have tried to make its as much as possible simple, as they say - has included and work. Even the beginner can start to work at once, using only factory options.

Now necessity to create the discrimination and adjustment masks has disappeared, all can be downloaded it from the Internet, having connected E-Trac to the computer through port USB.

E-Trac Possesses the best discriminator in the world as uses for definition of type of metal two physical properties of metal - conductivity and inductance, with a conclusion of the information to the display in the form of the schedule. It allows to define very precisely type of metal and to work including on strongly littered sites, for example in city park or on a beach, easily ignoring dust.

New 32 bit microprocessor has accelerated processing 28 frequency signals and has allowed to increase a scale of discrimination till the size 50х35 units, 1750 segments, thereby, having improved quality of discrimination. In 3rd model Explorer SE a discrimination scale 31х31, 961 segment.




The new technology of definition of depth to the purpose precisely defines depth, allowing to distinguish superficial dust, from a valuable find lying more deeply. At desire it is possible to ignore the unnecessary superficial purposes by search of ancient coins or a treasure. 
The new system of adjustment of sensitivity and technology of automatic adjustment for a ground with digital filtration AGC allows to support always the maximum sensitivity, despite of a mineralization of soil and hot stones.

You can use both manual, and automatic adjustment of sensitivity. The special indicator of a mineralization of a ground will help to adjust sensitivity correctly. 
Perhaps, one of the main features E-E - completely Russified interface. Engineers have tried to make its as much as possible simple, as they say - has included and work. Even the beginner can start to work at once, using only factory options.
Simple mask of discrimination QuickMask - the useful tool to check up or ignore, for example, the small iron purposes, without creating a special difficult mask of discrimination. QuickMask to masks of discrimination applied in usual metal detectors also it can be used as a mode "all metals".
QuickMask маскам дискриминации применяемых в обычных металлоискателях и может использоваться как режим "все металлы".
Adjustment of parametre FE of a scale on a vertical from 1 to 35 allows to ignore the iron purposes. Adjustment CE across from 1 to 50 allows to ignore the colour purposes, for example, the foil gets to a range from 1 to 2.

It is similar
The graphic system of identification of purpose SmartFind is applied to recognition of type of metal in metallodetektore E-Trac in the form of system of co-ordinates with axes CO (Conductivity-Индуктивность) from 1 to 50 and FE (Ferrous-Проводимость) from 1 to 35 units.

metallodetektor checks both parametres of the found out purpose and deduces the information in a graphic kind and numerical. The given system of discrimination allows to define most precisely type of metal and for today is the best in the world as the purpose is checked not only on conductivity of metal, but also on inductance.

The screen is divided on two parts – black and white. A white zone – a zone of reception of the purpose, black – ignoring. Graphic display is duplicated numerical which is easier remembered and allows to adjust the discriminator more precisely.
For the first time in the world in metallodetektore Explorer E-Trac there was a possibility to exchange options and masks of discrimination with companions through a network the Internet, having connected metallodetektor to the computer through usual USB port. 


The specificationTechnology  
FBS - 28th frequency technology of detection with frequencies from 1,5 to 100 KGts.

AGС – automatic adjustment for a ground with a digital filtration.

Smartfind - technology of definition of type of metal on inductance and conductivity. 
Kol-in workers of frequencies  
28 frequencies from 1,5 to 100 kgts
Microprocessor management  
The microprocessor 32bit, 48MHz 
Adjustment of balance of a ground  
The automatic. New technology of balance of ground AGС with a digital filtration
Quantity of kept programs the user  
Display illumination  
The luminescent
Graphic + numerical, Smartfind, QuickMask
Discrimination scale  
50х35 - On inductance and conductivity. 1750 segments of discrimination.
The interface  
USB port 
Mode of exact detection of purpose PinPoint (static mode)  
Yes, sound and graphic modes.
The depth indicator zaleganija the purposes  
Yes, from 0 to 30 see
Sensitivity adjustment  
From 1 to 30, automatic or manual with the indicator of a mineralization of a ground 
Volume control  
Yes, from 1 to 30
Recognition of type of nonferrous metal on a sound  
1,2,4 or polyphony. Built in dinamik or a stereo ear-phones 100 Ohm. 
Voice-frequency background  
Yes, from 1 to 50, with adjustment of a tonality from 1 to 30.
Otstrojka from electric hindrances  
Automatic or manual, from 1 to 11.
The coil  
DoubleD 11 ”FBS
A food  
8 finger-type batteries type AA, an operating time from alkalinovyh batteries or the accumulator 1600 ma/hour till 12 o'clock.
Working temperature  
From-0 to +50 gr. With
90 % at temperature 40°C.
The size LCD the display  
240 x 160 pixels (72 mm x 48 mm)
The minimum: 1060 mm, maximum: 1380 mm
Weight with batteries, kg  
Complete set * 
Coil FBS 11 "DoubleD with a sheeting

Boxing for 8 batteries. 
Additional accessories:


The coil 8 ”, 15” and 18 ”,

The accumulator 1600 a/ch,

zarjadnoe the device 220В,

Automobile zarjadnoe the device 12В,

Ear-phones KOSS,

Cover on the block of management,

Bag for resocks and detector storages.


Discrimination and adjustment masks. 

Russifier program Xchange for communication of metal detector E-Trac and the computer. To download.

1. A mask for the Russian coins. The author: Rudolf. Date 22-sen-2008 to Download.

Mask and options for the Russian coins. I recommend to replace a factory mask of discrimination on offered as the factory mask ignores some copper coins.


 2. A video topic. Creation of a mask of discrimination for the Russian coins. The size of 6,71 MB. Time 2:29. To look

3. A mask for very polluted sites of search. The author: Rudolf. Date 22-sen-2008 to Download.

The mask with options is tested in the Nizhniy Novgorod region, on the Kamorovsky monastery. The monastery repeatedly was exposed to attacks and fires, so, gland enough. It is desirable to use the coil of small diameter 8 "or 5" inches. With 11 "the coil to understand an abundance of echoes from rusty iron it is extremely difficult also search becomes not effective as under the coil the purposes get some. At use of this mask, the main thing does not hurry up and to listen to all signals from iron against which signals from the colour purposes are visible also.

Category: Minelab | Views: 1165 | Added by: hide | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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