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Main » 2009 » March » 3 » Piracy treasures
Piracy treasures
Pirates - the people constantly risking a life, trying not to reflect on tomorrow and consequently the riches extracted in fights with ease departured from their hands. Data on treasures of Ticha, Morgan, Kidd and other piracy captains throughout centuries have acquired such network of legends that in them it is already impossible to distinguish the truth from fiction. Undoubtedly that in numerous legends about them there is any share of true, however is not casual that finds of piracy treasures - the phenomenon exclusively rare. Here I will result only some stories about legendary piracy treasures.

If on a card of the western hemisphere from a city of Montreal on the southeast to spend a straight line to the cape Kabo-Frio located at east extremity of the South America, and then to connect a line this cape to islands the Coco in Pacific ocean, near Panama, and to spend one more line from the Coco to Montreal on a card there will be a triangle. All over the world it name "the Gold triangle" or "the Triangle of treasures". Whose treasures search here?

Battles for gold of America and India went centuries in the southern seas. As a result of treasure settled not only in treasury of kings.

In the beginning XVI centuries from America to Europe gold has rushed. Riches of Aztecs and inkov, filling holds Spanish galeonov, all for one century have increased a gold and silver stock of the European countries five times.

First the vessels going to Spain, went through Atlantic small groups without the armed escort. But it is fast on horizon dangerous competitors have loomed. In 1496 Christopher Columbus who was coming back from the second swimming, has undergone to an attack of the French corsairs. However the main threat for galeonov the Spanish fleet represented English kapery - the pirates who were in the service of the British crown. Much of them as, for example, to the well-known pirate and seafarer Frensisu Drake, the title of noble family - for the feats, the millions which have brought to its fatherland of pounds sterling has been appropriated by gold. It was "the lawful" half of extraction arriving in royal treasury after successful attacks kaperov on the Spanish vessels.

Drake has become famous for the impudent attacks on the Spanish ports in the South America and in the Spain. However the majority kaperov selected more cautious tactics: they trapped Spanish vessels coming back from America in Caribbean sea or at the Azores.

The Azores in XVI century were the main reloading point on world trading ways. Whence the ships - from America, India or Southern Africa came back, their way lay through the Atlantic thrown in open spaces of island Tersejra, to Horhe and Peak. Here were reserved by provisions and potable water. The Azores named "hotel which the Lord has put in the most suitable place of ocean".

In waters round this "hotel" tens ships are buried. In 1594 the Portuguese vessel "Chagas" came back from the Indian colony. According to certificates and archival documents, on it there were treasures by in two million of that time dukatov - gold coins, each of which weighed 3,5 grammes. It was the most expensive cargo ever going to Europe from India. Besides, onboard there were sailors from two wrecked Portuguese schooners. Swimming has appeared awful even on a measure of that, more severe time: because of excessive number of crew on a vessel epidemics several illnesses were played at once, but the scurvy has appeared the most terrible. Hourly it was necessary to dump for a board of the died. This "the floating infirmary" has appeared an easy mark for three English ships which have trapped Portugueses near one of the Azores. After rather short gun firing in powder hold of the ship fire has flashed, and the vessel has sunk in Atlantic ocean. Till now to find out its remains it was possible to nobody. Near to the Azores in 1591 Spanish "Silver fleet" (Silver Train) Also has irrevocably sunk - the ships became a victim well-known "the Plotnitsky wind". This artful southeast hurricane is named so because often washes ashore wooden fragments of the broken ships.

According to historical sources, around only one bay of Angra at island Tersejra 88 ships have sunk at least. However to search here - all the same, what to try to find a needle in a haystack. When in the summer of 1997 the Portuguese-American expedition has started to survey a bay with use of modern equipment, scientific have become gloomy. Day after day from a board of the vessel they probed a bottom special eholotami which could investigate adjournment on depth to five metres. But were convinced only that the rocks hidden by sand deform any signal. Reacting to metal magnitometry, capable to catch the slightest changes of a magnetic field, have appeared here absolutely helpless. Not gold ingots, coins, anchors or guns, and volcanic breeds containing iron forced to turn arrows of underwater compasses. "To search here such devices for metal - all the same that in a disco to listen through Mozart's ear-phones", - archeologist Paulo Montejro speaks.

Only in water area of the harbour to researchers has carried with finds. Under a layer of deposits and mountains of ballast stones they have found out the rests of four wooden courts. Fragments of oldest of them lying on depth of only seven metres, concern approximately 1500 - time when the Azores were only just open by the Spanish seafarers. Now archeologists in details survey oldest of the ship remains found here, anticipating the moment when under fragments "pot of gold" will open. However, probably that the part of riches was lifted from a bottom by the seamen who have escaped from the sunk ships. By means of diving bells and respiratory hoses they could fall on depth from ten to twenty metres.

In XVII century there were also first hunters behind the sunk gold. In 1686 Englishman William Fipps has lifted from a bottom of Caribbean sea of gold and silver for the sum equivalent to one and a half millions of the American dollars. That was only small part of treasures 16 galeonov Spanish of "Gold fleet" (Golden Fleet), sunk during a storm in 1643 on shallows of Silver-Benks to the north from Haiti. Here, around the Bahamas, Haiti (former Espanoly) and Florida strait, the Spanish treasury has lost fabulous riches within three centuries. Representation about their sizes can give "ulov" which for a day was collected by American Herbert Hamfri who has come across on galeon "Nuestra of the seigneur de las Maraviljas" - 177 ingots of silver, 15 semikilogram ingots of gold and 10 gold nuggets.

Isle of Pines (now it is called as Huventud and belongs to Cuba) was base of pirates in Caribbean sea long time. Under legends, here hid treasures Drake, Lafitt and other piracy celebrities. There were false cards on which dexterous adventurers have heated up hands. In our century here constantly came kladoiskateli, but good luck has smiled only to one of them - in the fifties American Uikker has found at an underwater reef a chest with gold and jewelry. One more known piracy place - island belonging to Costa Rica the Coco in Pacific ocean, to the north from Galapagossky islands. According to annals of the sea robbery, the first treasure was hidden here by the well-known pirate Henry Morgan who was on so good to the account at the English authorities that has finished the days as the governor of Jamaica. The number kladoiskatelej, visited on the Coco, comes nearer to one hundred. However any of them yet did not manage to find neither Morgan's treasure, nor the treasures of Lima collected by Spaniards during sovereignty in Peru and grasped in port of Callao by English captain Thompson.

Island a Coco located on 5°33 ' And 87°2 ' z.d., for a long time already "the island of treasures", "the piracy safe" and "Mecca kladoiskatelej" is known under names. Here one and a half centuries this tiny scrap of a land covered with impassable jungle (length 6,5 km, width 3,2 km) draw to themselves attention numerous kladoiskatelej. It is counted up that for all time for it has visited over 500 expeditions which participants have enclosed million conditions in searches of treasures. Here in hundreds gibli people, but and have not found treasures...

Rather recently, summer of 1962, on island the Coco the group of kladoiskatelej-Frenchmen has landed: cave explorer Rober Vern, journalist Jean Portell and writer Claude Sharle. They have widely advertised the plans of searches of piracy gold, hoping, even if treasures will not be, fees for the book printed about adventures, a tele- and broadcasts will exceed expenses. But the destiny has solved differently... While they examined putting to sea grotto in a bay to Chats, the motor has unexpectedly decayed, and oars lay at the bottom of a boat, pressed down by tent. The sea was restless and the wave which has run sideways has overturned a boat... It is true has thrown out on rocks, and the sea has not released its two friends... Only in two months casually passing vessel has removed Is true from island.

Not without reason in one book about kladoiskateljah it has been told:

"Over treasures as if the damnation which kills soul and a body gravitates. It, of course, the general has no anything with the damnations, which pirates ostensibly said over the treasures:

"Let the one who will touch my gold hidden here, remembers that its way back is not longer than a knife blade". The avidity damnation - here that hangs over treasures. A damnation which kills..."

It is considered that the island stores in the bowels of riches of three well-known pirates: William Dampira, Alexander Graham and Thompson's Cattle. The history of a treasure which connect with names of two last pirates is interesting.

In the autumn of 1820 of an army of the liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru - general José San-Martina attacked the Spanish colonizers from the south. The capital Peru has been cut off from the north from the Spanish possession of armies of Simona of Bolivar. The vice-king of Peru Hoakin Pesuela has decided to forward the state riches to Panama. The treasures stolen by Spaniards for years of sovereignty, have been secretly delivered in port of Callao. The modern estimation of the Peruvian treasury fluctuates in following limits: 10 million peso under the version of Spaniards, 30 million pounds sterling on English and 30 million dollars under the American version. In Callao stood five ships. In hold of one of galeonov - "Relampaga" - is reserved have shipped values.

At an input to gulf of Panama "the gold" squadron was barred way by a brig of pirate Graham, on Benito Bonito's nickname...

Graham, as well as Dampir, served in royal fleet. Being the commander of a brig "Devonshire", it has caused a stir in Trafalgarsky battle. With death of Nelson the glory of heroes of Trafalgara began to die away, and Graham has left service. It has become Benito Bonito, evil deeds have got to it one more nickname - the Bloody Sword (or a sword: looking how to translate from English a word sword).

Corsairs Benito Bonito in boarding fight have seized galeonom "Relampaga". And in its hold have appeared limskie treasures! Pirates have led a vessel to island the Coco. There, on the bank of a bay of Uejfer, in an underground cave, Benito Bonito has hidden flanks and a chest with jewelry... Soon two English brigs have overtaken a piracy vessel at coast of Costa Rica. Alexander Graham has been hung up on a yard and has carried away with itself secret of a treasure.

The second legend about limskom treasure asserts that it has been sent from Callao on a piracy vessel of Cattle of Thompson of "Mary Diir". Spaniards promised to the corsair the big compensation, have shipped in hold of its brig "important state documents" and have put the protection. But it was difficult to spend Thompson. Pirates have interrupted the Spanish protection and have glanced in hold... Having chopped off an anchor rope, the artful brig has rushed in open ocean. But behind it the military ship has directed. It has caught up Thompson's vessel, the truth, only in a bay of island Uejfer with the Coco.

As treasures in hold it has not appeared any more, Spaniards have hung up everything, except Thompson and its senior navigator. Them have brought to the Panama prison, hoping to achieve a recognition. But on road the navigator has died, and the captain stored secret of a treasure, understanding that only so can save a life.

The wave of emancipating struggle has come in 1821 to Panama. It has set free prisoners of the Spanish prisons among whom there was also a Cattle Thompson. He has got over to Canada, many long years veins on Newfoundland, raising money for expedition on island the Coco. Thompson has entered into the agreement with captain Kittingom, but before the swimming hard was ill and, dying, has given Kittingu a card of island with the treasure scheme.

Expedition of Kittinga has reached islands. The captain and its new partner Boug tried to hide the purpose of visiting of the Coco from a command. Under the pretext of hunting two of them have descended on coast and it have caused suspicion in a command. Sailors in their absence have searched a cabin of the captain, have found a bag with jewels. There was an explanation, the command has demanded a sharing. Kitting and Boug have for the sake of appearances agreed, and have left a vessel at night and have hidden in a cave. Seamen did not manage to find them on island, and they have left without the captain. After a while casual kitoboets has picked up on the bank of island of the exhausted person. It was captain Kitting. He has told that its command, having lifted mutiny, has grasped a brig, and it has put ashore. Bouge Kitting did not mention. Assume that it has killed Bouga in a cave at a treasure sharing. With kitobojami it has returned in Newfoundland. In the rests of clothes it has kept a handful of jewels. Before death it has transferred Thompson's card to any friend and then it became general property. Now each interested person can buy it, and at the same time some more tens cards from "the Atlas of treasures", published in New York in 1952...

Under the legend, at a small islet Amalia the well-known pirate Edward Tich by a nickname "Black Beard" repaired the ships and buried the treasures.

As narrate the chronicles stolen treasure of Tich carried away in depth of island together with one of the sailors not grown fond to it. Tich the sailor - a box with gold and a shovel bore two peremetnye sumy with jewels, and. The captain chose a suitable place and while the sailor dug a hole, sat next and smoked a tube. After the sailor got out of a hole, it shot to it at a nape and, having lowered treasures, pushed together there and a corpse of the sailor. When after returning it asked, where the sailor Tich usually answered that that or "zavjaz in a bog", or "has broken in the sea from rocks". Tich was lost in November, 1718, and has carried away with itself in a tomb secret of treasures.

After Edward Ticha the island Amalia became base of the French pirates of brothers Jean and Pierre Lafittov. They were engaged "ekspropriatsiej ekspropriatorov" - plundered in Caribbean sea rabotorgovtsev. Having sold the grasped slaves-Negroes, they hid "the earned" money on island.

It is officially known that in 1809 Jean Lafitta's ship has been overtaken an English frigate at northern coast of Gulf of Mexico while pirates were going to unload the stolen treasures for coast. Understanding hopelessness of position, the captain has flooded the ship.

As co-ordinates of the flooded ship were precisely known, in 1949 the American firm "Kirger and Been Exploration Company" has begun prospecting works. But despite application of the technics most by newest for those times, search has not crowned success, obviously, the ship case has deeply drained in in ground silt.

Besides Ticha and Lafittov, island served as a haven still to very many gangs of pirates, therefore modern kladoiskateli constantly visit island and, with an enviable stubbornness doomed, search for treasures, applying metal detectors and other devices.

However happen also good luck: in 1939 the American expedition has found on the island Mona located in Caribbean sea between Haiti and Puerto Rico, a treasure hidden by English pirate William Dzhennigsom. From sale at auction in Chicago the found gold coins and jewelry it has been obtained about one million dollars. Here it is necessary to tell that today frequently cost of one coin much above face value. And not because the prices for gold that is why that coins is of interest already as a curiosity for collectors were raised.

 destruction concerns number of historical incidents in 1600 Spanish galeona "San Diego". This ship loaded with riches has put to sea on whim of the Spanish official only to attack on noticed near Manila shabby by storm Dutch kapersky a sailing vessel. Because of worthless command huge chetyrnadtsatipushechnoe the vessel (for those times it was rather solid arms for the ship) has been sunk at an input in manilskuju a bay. Some years ago cargo from "San Diego" was lifted from a bottom by the French archeologist-submariner Frank Goddio.

Not only riches inkov and Aztecs, but also tons of other cargoes from South East Asia carried the ships in holds. Sometimes value of these cargoes in the European markets equaled, and sometimes and surpassed gold. During two and a half centuries went from Philippines to Europe "manilskie galeony". In 1638 near island Saipan the vessel "Nuestra of the seigneur de la Concepcion", transporting porcelain, an ivory and gold was wrecked. Later 350 years the international command kladoiskatelej has got a considerable part of these treasures from a bottom. Has especially carried to one Australian who has found 32 gold chains, everyone on one and a half metre in length.

Battles for riches of East and Western India were developed not only in waters of the southern seas, but also at coast of the Spain. Most well-known of such fights has inflamed in a bay of Vito where in the summer of 1702 nineteen have come from America loaded with gold galeonov. This caravan went under protection of allies-Frenchmen which admiral Shato-Reno ordered. The hearing about valuable cargo has reached the English-Dutch squadron ransacking at the Spanish coast. Hundred ships have rushed into a bay. As a result of fierce fight of Shato-Reno with the several ships it was possible to break in the high sea. The others remained to lie at the bottom.

Since then in a bay expeditions, however treasures about which it is told in the Spanish documents were over and over again equipped, to find and it was not possible. It is necessary to assume that Shato-Reno has overloaded all values with galeonov on the ships and has taken out them to France. After all Louis XIV has made an admiral in marshals right after how that has lost battle in a bay of Vigo. It is interesting, why? Whether for rescue of the Spanish treasures?

The king kladoiskatelej Melvin Fisher

The ships lying on a sea-bottom for one - an enrichment source, for others - a relic having a huge historical value.

In 1999 Melvin Fisher - the person who posesses an informal title "the king kladoiskatelej" has died. The world popularity to it was brought by a find made at southern coast of Florida. Near the city of Key West it has lifted from a bottom precious cargo of Spanish galeona "Atocha" which have flown on reeves in 1622. It was not simply the most valuable find which cost is estimated hundreds millions dollars, is there was a dream embodiment kladoiskatelej about the ancient ship overloaded with gold and jewelry.

In magazine "hunters behind treasures" "Treasure Quest" Fisher name "the champion who has won all battles with the authorities, officials and other enemies kladoiskatelej". Among these "other enemies" not last place are occupied with the scientists-archeologists, aspiring to prevent barbarous plunder of the sunk ancient ships. Their alarm quite obosnovanna: kladoiskateli frequently destroy a vessel skeleton at attempt to lift it or simply blow up a sea-bottom to clear away to itself base for work. If searches of gold at the bottom of oceans proceed the same rates and methods under water soon there will be nothing valuable to historians, anything that could tell to us about the navigation past.

And still there are many examples really "a gold proportion" between interests of a pure science and profitable adventurism kladoiskatelej. One of them - Belgian Rober Stenjui nicknamed "underwater Sherlokom Holmes". The searches of Stenjui begins in historical archives, trying to find out a place and vessel causes of death, to imagine a historical picture of event. After one of such "investigations" the Belgian managed to find out in the western coast of Ireland the Spanish vessel "Hirona", transporting 200 thousand gold dukatov - treasury of Great armada.

There are cases when kladoiskateli during searches necessarily change "trade". So, in 1982 remains of the piracy ship for the first time have been found. The American of Barry Klifford has found "Uajdu" Black Sam was which captain well-known for Bells by a nickname. People from its command there is no time swore that by the ship there were ivory and gold tons. But anything similar Klifford has not found out. But the huge arsenal of the piracy weapon possessing considerable historical and collection value has been found. Now, to pay back expenses on expedition, Klifford will organise park-museum where the things lifted from a bottom will help to recreate life atmosphere on a piracy vessel.

Card of the well-known treasures under water and on a land

Island Ouk in bay of Fundy. Here treasures of Ticha and Lafitta are hidden.

Peninsula Cape Cod coast. A place of a find of the ship of the pirate Bells "Uajdy".

Key West. galeony "Nuestra of the seigneur de Atocha" and "Santa-Margarita" which have flown on reeves in 1622 Here were lost. Cargo of these treasures estimate in 250 million dollars though the part of treasures is already lifted.

The Bahamas. Spanish remains galeona "Concepcion", sunk in 1641 are found. Bert Vebber has lifted only small part of treasures - 32 tons of silver.

Shallows of Silver-Benks. Along shallows remains 16 Spanish galeonov, sunk in 1643 are scattered during a storm. The total cost of cargo is estimated in 65 million dollars.

Isle of Pines (Pinos). Piracy base in Caribbean sea. Probably that here have hidden the treasures Drake, Van Horn, Tich and other well-known pirates.

Bay of Samana. In 1724 Konde de Tolosa "and" Nuestra of the seigneur de to Guadeloupe "with cargo of mercury which today would estimate in 6 million dollars have sunk galeony".

Island Mona. It is considered that the treasure of pirate Jennings here is buried. Its ship found in 1939 has to the east sunk.

Bay Cumana. As a result of diversion in 1820 the Dignity-pedro de Alkantra "has blown up galeon". Harry Rizberg has lifted a part of the cargo estimated in 50 million of dollars.

Island the Coco. In the XIX-th century beginning the treasures collected by Spaniards in Peru here have been hidden.

Gulf of Tobermori. Here the ship of Great armada "Florence" is found out, but treasures has not been found.

Gulf of Vaddenze. In 1799 the ship "Ljutin" from 1 375 000 English pounds onboard has sunk gollansky.

Donegal bay. It is found galeas by "Hirona" on which board in 1588 there was a salary of Great armada.

Bay of Vigo. During battle with the English-Dutch squadron it has been sunk 17 Spanish galeonov. Their cargo is not found till now.

Azorsky islands, island Fajjal. In 1594 Englishmen have sunk the Portuguese ship "Chagas" transporting about 7 tons of gold.

Island Porto-Santo. In 1724 the Dutch ship "Slot has sunk Hooge" from 1500 bars of silver onboard rubbed. The cargo part is lifted by Belgian Stenjui.

St. Elena's island. In 1613 Portugueses have sunk here "Vitte Liuv's" Dutch ship with cargo of gold and 1311 brilliants.

Balaklavsky bay. One million pounds sterling which have sunk together with the ship "Prince" till now is not found.

Island Zanzibar. It is considered to be that treasures of English pirates of Kidd and Ejveri here are buried.

Sejshely: islands Farkuar, Aldabra, Providence, Mahe. Now here searches of treasures of the French corsairs are conducted.

Madagascar, cape Masuala. In a XVIII-th century nearby from this cape there were bases of many pirates, including Inglenda and Levassera.

Island Mauritius. Here there can be treasures of Sjurkufa - frantsuzkogo the pirate of a boundary XVIII and XIX centuries.

Island Reunion. According to certificates, here in XVIII century have hidden the treasures pirates of Inglend, Taylor and Levasser.

Strait of Malacca. In 1511 godurazbilsja on reeves a leader of the Portuguese fleet "the Crape de la Mar". Its cargo is estimated in 9 billion dollars.

Island Saipan. Here in 1638 Nuestra of the seigneur de la Concepcion "was wrecked galeon". The cargo part managed to be rescued to a command, and in 1987 kladoiskateli have found at the bottom 1300 more gold ornaments.

Manillsky gulf. The franc of Goddio has found out here sunk in 1600 Spanish galeon "San Diego".

Island Grajgen. English pirate Robertson has buried a treasure which can cost about 2 to 20 million dollars.

Tsusimsky passage. A cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" sunk by Japanese in 1905, under some data carried the salary of Russian fleet.

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