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Main » 2009 » March » 3 » Short review Minelab GPX-4000
Short review Minelab GPX-4000
Has come to check up time for the prof. suitability such powerful machine as GPX4000, one of the newest and expensive metal detectors of such class. The detector has taken part in our expedition and we tested it in many places, under various weather conditions what to tell, konstruktiv at GPX4000 magnificent, the truth tells about "ease" of the detector I can of nothing, tjazhelovat slightly, all the same 2.5 kg, plus the accumulator about 1 kg, but he deserves it. GPX4000 was issued in October, 2006, all who used earlier 3500, I wish to tell that 4000, it is absolutely new car, with features which, in my opinion, will be pleasant to all who is engaged in this branch.

Let's look what innovations has entered Minelab in 4000:

Has appeared LCD the display, the truth it on the back party of the mainframe of electronics settles down, support of the user of the interface is expressed so-called DCS (Advanced Digital Control System) system, the menu at 4000 extensive enough what to be on "you" with adjustment, is required time, and much.... There are built in programs of search, and very wide optimisation of search functions. 4000 can store all your options if you switch off it, well and podgruzit them back at inclusion as there is a return mode to factory options. In 4000 technology MPS and DVT is applied, to compare with PI it is possible? I too so think...:) A food: now GPX eats from litievyh accumulators, very fine, holds till 12-13 o'clock continuous work, in ear-phones naturally... It will be recharged it is possible from the car, the adapter, 3-4 hours and are ready. The accumulator condition is visible just on LCD the display. By the way weight GPX has decreased if to compare it with GP3500, and it for the account of easier litievogo akkamuljatora. Which, by the way, in itself separate "device". On options at 4000 has appeared: Gain, Motion, Smooth, and function Manual Tune. Mode Motion - can be adjusted speed of conducting, not badly... Still this function allows the operator to specify as though planned speed of a wave of the coil, with it allowing to provide the best threshold stability (Threshold) and accordingly the response from the purpose. Gain regulates sensitivity of the detector, now the user has possibility to increase or reduce sensitivity, the powerful tool which can strengthen weak signals or help at a soil mineralization. Still in GPX there was, in my opinion, a remarkable function, smooth, it is calculated on considerable reduction of hindrances from so-called "hot stones", soil hindrances, but thus, without changing sensitivity to the small purposes. Auto Tune can help at such problems as hindrances or navodki from electric cables, and similar, are also manual adjustment, it is positioned in a range from 0 to 225 that, by the way, helps as. I want at once will make a reservation that GPX4000 approaches and for simple search.

We spent the first field test in a hilly terrain close......, the soil there has decent "meeting" of hot stones, the mineralization walks. The surface made of itself a mix of basalt and not the clear breeds which most likely have remained from what those of volcanic eruptions as from my experience I have learnt, yes from the previous trips I remember, many of these stones sounded in the same way as metal and, and colour. Their unusually high conductivity interfered with balancing of soil and brought to nothing in general all adjustment of the detector. For example, such VLF by cars as GT or Explorer here in general there is nothing, and after all in such configuration (structure) of soil and there are nuggets. What to speak, technology PI in general, consults much more better, in such district, than VLF, whether it be, electric mains, hindrances of a radar, underground communications, and many other things, all it can essentially prevent detector work in such conditions if site working out is conducted nearby from a city, of course, if you leave on conceivable distance from a civilisation then questions are not present. Certainly, we hoped that GPX-4000 it will be better, than its predecessors. Have well, included, the first, balancing on a ground has begun, in general GPX balances in almost same way as GP3500. Simply we press the green button on the handle, have spent here and there the coil, over soil, within several seconds, and forward, but, it is offered two variants otstrojki, Fixed and Tracking if the soil is "silent enough", or slightly mineralizovana mode Fixed will be is better. However if the soil is strongly mineralizovannoj, I would recommend mode Tracking at average speed. The detector built up from soil behaves very easy, any sudden noise, anything, only treshhold... When "ringing stones" that I began to come across at once has got into the menu, I have established (not at once certainly), Audio in Quiet, Sensitive on Smooth, and have reduced a little Gain after that pebbles have become silent, basically such installation it is possible to achieve more less quiet condition of the detector if hot stones start to come across. But in such preset sensitivity is naturally a little was rude, so stable work vs sensitivity loss, not critical is final, but nevertheless. Certainly, it is possible to pass from mode Smooth in Extra then there will be a maximum. All depends on district, but in mode Extra at us finds have gone. Smooth as that has not pleased.

If to put on GPX the coil of type DD (11 inch is completed) it is possible more "quiet work" on mineralizovannyh sites, but mono the coil nevertheless on depth of detection will be better. Improved scheme GPX allows to use mono coils, there, where DD were simply necessity. By the way coils which approach to GP and of some SD, are compatible with GPX... The Following site of search more less on was quieter, in respect of hot stones, and the soil is hardly softer, but nevertheless were present okisi gland and certainly which what influence was felt, but we on have got tired so much what to be engaged in search this day any more there were no forces, have set up camp, have discussed in in brief work GPX, on the first tests it is possible to make only a superficial picture, but all-taki is felt a difference between 3500 and 4000. After 3500, 4000 it is necessary to get used to sound signals, the menu is legible enough. . That once again it would be desirable to underline, GPX surpasses all younger colleagues, and it perfectly well works on high mineralizovannyh gruntah, gold mines, it wonderfully builds up at any elektro navodke, depth of detection, the most serious for today and a wide range of sensitivity. Some of its weaknesses it is the discriminator which only influences the big iron purposes, but it not so is terrible if to apply GPX on its direct appointment, of course, 4000, as well as 3500, the good discriminator, oh as does not suffice. By air I do not result comparative characteristics and gaugings specially because 4000 in our case took place tests for sites of the gold mining, no coins and other subjects here existing, we were adjusted to find gold, and we have found it, a little bit certainly, but all the same as the test for this device, it was remarkable.

The resume:

GPX4000 The most expensive, "portable" metal detector in the market, but tell to me what of metal detectors so remarkably consults with all types mineralizovannoj soils, probably, any, except GPX what of metal detectors can find out a nugget 0.1 gramme is powerful? Serious starateljam GPX4000 will be the serious assistant. It is the most universal, technologically advanced both most convenient and hardy detector which met to me, for many long years search works.

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