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Main » 2009 » March » 3 » Gold search
Gold search
Let's result practical to result of work with some devices.

Goldmaster-3 The Scottish firm White's. This device us finds the most part of nuggets, including the majority small (from 180 mg to 1 gr.). The smallest nugget (gold) had the size approximately 5х4х2 mm. The same device had been found wedding rings. As a whole, this device was used by me most of all.

The device has the discriminator which well rejects the false signals connected with ferriferous subjects. On pirit of which was much, the device did not react, though sometimes showed anomalies on black uglistyh slates. He also has allowed to find some large crystals ilmenita and the large unit pirrotina.

Expenditures of labour on area inspection by this device average about 1 hour on 100 m. sq.

The device idle time in circulation, works from 8 finger-type batteries for 1,5 century which suffices for 3-4 days of work.

As a whole, the device is characterised by rather small price, high sensitivity even on small nuggets (200-500 mg), small expenditures of labour on area inspection. Cost of the device about $1100.

Spectrum XLT the Scottish firm White's. It is more expensive device ($1680). It has some deep water of detection of objects, advanced system of the analysis of anomalies, possibility of a choice of one of 5 programs (options) and possibility of creation of several own programs for work in concrete conditions.

The system of recognition of objects includes the block of the analysis of a signal and the display on which the conditional rating of object and a signal spectrum in a kind stolbchatyh diagrammes is displayed. On a rating and a diagramme kind it is possible to define more precisely the found object before to make its excavation. Ferriferous subjects differ almost unmistakably, gold, copper and aluminium are unequivocally divided not always. For some conditions there can be important that the device well distinguishes the breeds giving to anomaly. (To us at carrying out of tests some times there were fragments of slates and the sandstones, giving anomalies. Spectrum XLT unequivocally distinguished them as false). Sensitivity of the discriminator at the device can be changed. However at good discrimination sensitivity of the device on small nuggets decreases.

As a result of tests by this device the most part of nuggets in weight over 2-3 Nuggets in weight of 24 and 29 has been found out are found thus on depth 15 and 18 Small nuggets see have come to light this device less effectively. This device had been found also a considerable quantity of coins of different advantage in the thrown settlement.

For work with device Spectrum XLT in 1,5-2 times it is less than expenditure of labour, than for Goldmaster-3 as it gives less than false anomalies (and less than false excavation) at the expense of high level of discrimination.

At use of the standard programs (options) put in the device, it is extremely simple in use. Creation of original programs (options), demands a certain experience. However device possibilities can be thus expanded.

Ear-phones, the accumulator which suffices on 8 business hours, enter into delivery the block for 8 finger-type batteries on 1,5 V.Batareek, by our experience, suffices for 3 days of work.

White's 5900 Scottish firms White's 5900. I worked as this device very little, and it was not pleasant to me. By search of nuggets it essentially concedes to the above described devices. It reacts to small subjects badly, discrimination mediocre, anomalies are expressed indistinctly. To myself I never would buy this device, though it costs not much.

GoldBug the American firm Fisher - the most simple device in use. It is the first device which we have bought (because of its low cost). With it we spent many researches and got hand in before to buy more expensive devices.

On sensitivity GoldBug it is close to device Goldmaster-3. However unlike it has no discriminator. Therefore all anomalies revealed by the device, it is necessary to dig out. At the beginning it was quite comprehensible to us. We studied the device and did not hurry up anywhere.

However in practice of its application it is expedient only on ' pure ' the areas where it is not enough metallomusora and also when you do not hurry up and can dig out all anomalies successively.

8 small nuggets have been found in practical conditions on well smoothed out site of range by means of GoldBug by us for half-day (300 mg to 7) at 12 false excavation.

GoldBug-2 Firms Fisher. It is analogue GoldBug (), having sound discriminator and the raised frequency of a signal. Such device was used in September, 1997 in Bodajbinsky area by geologist B.G.Renev. Here that he has written to us (it is resulted with insignificant reductions).

' By means of the device radical exposures (plotik scatterings), breeds vskryshki and drazhnye ranges were surveyed. The device has shown high sensitivity on gold and all metals available on ranges, and also on mineralization presence. With identical intensity the device reacts on not oxidised pirit. When at breeds is present oxidised pirit and there are no technogenic metals, the device perfectly fixes nuggets in weight from 100 mg. Nuggets in weight from 100 mg to 1 gr. Are found out on depth to 10 see, weight more than 1 gr. Depth to 30 see

In the course of the spent tests by means of the device for 7 business hours it has been extracted 40 gr. Gold. Weight of the largest nugget of 21

In connection with a considerable quantity of technogenic metals in vskryshnyh and efelnyh sailings the device is absolutely not suitable for search of nuggets in sailings '.

On my value judgment, the discriminator at GoldBug-2 is worse, than at Goldmaster-3. However under B.G.Reneva's description the device has high sensitivity.

Nuggets meet groups. It is possible to go some hours, to bypass the big area and, at last, to find a place where some nuggets have got successively.

After that there is a confidence that on this place, more deeply, there are still nuggets. Most likely, them there more than on a surface and it is very probable that they are larger. Therefore from this site it would not be desirable to leave very much. It you pass some times and you check all even the weakest anomalies. As a result you find 2-3 more nuggets. At last all anomalies are dug already out, the device shows nothing and it is necessary to leave.

At this moment you start to regret that you do not have device with bolshej depth of search. Such device it would be possible to probe a site much more deeply and, undoubtedly, to find some more nuggets. And can be there that nugget which at heart you dream to find lies?

When we worked on operating range, we had an exit. Near to us the bulldozer worked. We have asked, and the site where we have found some nuggets, from above has been smoothed out. After that we on the same site have found ten more nuggets. Then we have once again asked to smooth out a site and have found some more nuggets. Thus have found a nugget in 149 (175 with quartz). And if the bulldozer nearby was not? Then we the metallodetektorami would not find the most part of nuggets in this place.

' Treasures and treasures '? 7-9 2000

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