The test place, the ploughed field, has been chosen not casually. For two weeks on a site of 30*50 metres it has been lifted metallodetektorami Sovereign and Explorer with 10 inch coils about 200 coins. A rich site surveyed to last centimetre. The further searches of new finds did not bring. All good sometime comes to an end, and companions have crept away across the field in search of the best place.
Establishing the brand new 15 inch coil on Explorer, I, of course, hoped to find pair-three coins, but the result has surpassed all wash expectations. The first aim - large and very rare ten cheap "the Siberian coin". Afterwards, in one and a half metres from the first "the Siberian" five-copeck coin in a fine condition. The photo See. In total 18 coins, natelnyj a dagger, a shutter from an icon, ornaments from horse harnesses, set of the copper forged hats from nails in size with a five-kopeck coin of the USSR and other dust have been lifted. What that time was necessary to get used to the new coil. Indications of a digital scale have changed and discrimination (depth demands victims) has worsened. The centre of a finding of the purpose was defined without effort.
All site has not been completely surveyed, searches will proceed.
P.S. In comparison with the standard 10 coil, the depth increase is especially felt for large coins to 25 %, for average coins of 20 % and small 10 %. For the big purposes, size about a can and more on 30-35 %.