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Main » 2009 » March » 3 » Hunters behind treasures
Hunters behind treasures
And to this day, researchers confirm, in the Russian earth considerable treasures are concealed. For summer wait all. Look forward. But the impatience of that part of our fellow citizens which with approach of warm days, the earth hardly will dry up is especially great, go on searches of treasures. These are professional kladoiskateli, precisely knowing (here of what they are assured!) where infinite riches as ' to take ' them and that with them then are covered by ancestors to do. For such confidence they like have all bases - the wide experience of many unruly predecessors is generalised and investigated...

Each lake, deep wood ravine, dark, porosshy mohom the boulder and a standing alone centenary pine have own, specifying in possible luck, a legend. The thrown trading ways on wood volokam and to the rivers, grown for centuries wood the rests of ancient sites of ancient settlement both unknown tombs and barrows store the secrets. On national poverjam, treasures more often are in these parts latent. 

So confirms A.J.Nizovsky - the author of the book ' Legends and were Russian olden time '. This book is let recently out in Moscow by publishing house ' Veche ' and, undoubtedly, will be interesting to all who is subject to passion of search.

Here that, in particular, tells A.Nizovsky. 

' especially often legends about a treasure are connected with an ancient barrow or a site of ancient settlement. In Kostroma village Unorozhe many legends about barrow treasures ' Zhuravets ', for example, go. In a barrow that on ' Myshem the enemy ' at the river of Kostroma, under stories, also is available a treasure. Specify and in lake near Parfenteva posada, on a place of the former monastery. In this lake, speak, is a flank with the gold, lowered by monks at an attack on a monastery of robbers. In other lake, at village Ledino, under Kologrivom, flanks with gold and jewelry lie. They were thrown living on a grief over lake by the landowner when he was attacked by robbers. In Peuzsky lake near the cities of Makareva also are a treasure - a flank with money for an anchor... 

Such stories - about flanks and chests with gold and silver and other jewelry which sometimes in clear day it is visible at the bottom, - there is a set. 

All these ' perceptible places ' are not only a fruit of national imagination. As has fairly noticed one Smolensk kladoiskatel the last century, left the interesting description of the searches, ' it is not necessary to look at the legend as on pure lie: in each legend there is an element of truth '. The example to that is found recently vjatskim the researcher V.A.Berdinskih history. And its essence that the huge old pine grew in village Lekma of Slobodsky district near to road. Under the legend, near it in old years the treasure, bewitched has been buried by terrible pledge. Near to a pine at all did not plough - were afraid. Lekminsky peasants spoke: ' When the appointed hours then he will seem to the lucky person ' will come for a treasure. 

' Happy has been appointed ' 16-year-old Savvaty Berdinsky. In May, 1863 they with the stepmother ploughed the strip of the earth near ' perceptible ' pines. At the next turn the guy, without having kept a plough, has curtailed to a pine, having touched a place not touched before. And here on an arable land small silver money also was scattered... 

As it has appeared, the treasure consisted of more than three hundred silver copecks of a XVII-th century - times of tsars Michael Fedorovicha and Alexey Mihajlovicha. The stepmother has rushed with the secret to the rich relative in the next volost that houses the rumour was not carried. That for hundred coins has given to the woman only two roubles. Then the stepmother, having buried the children, has got over on a residence in a city, and Savvaty remained the poor poor creature with the younger brother and sister on hands. Then it has come behind council to the local priest and has shown it the treasure rest - 197 coins. That has advised to send a treasure to Petersburg, in the Archaeological commission. And have made. And in 1864 the boy has received from the Archaeological commission, as nahodchik a treasure, small compensation - with withdrawal, however, the postage... 

In a word, lonely deaf and especially perceptible places are in most cases connected with legends about treasures. But how precisely to learn a place ' loads '? On this case existed ' record pantries ' and the drawings serving by indexes and a management at search of treasures. Sometimes they were made in the form of the will or the letter on someone's name with detailed transfer of the buried things. Them stored as an eye pupil, for them hunted, for them searched, transferred from generation to generation, extracted ' caress and money ', exchanged, bought, wrote off, at last, simply stole.

In most cases texts ' pantries of records ' are foggy. Here a characteristic example: 

' I have sent from Moscow with different good 973 supplies, in the Kaluga gate to Mozhaisk. From Mozhaisk I have gone Old road to Smolensk, became nedoshedshi medynskih and vjazemskih district. Has stopped on Marten to a pine forest; the small river flows from night on winter rising, and a name of that small river Marshevka, and then I ordered to Russian people on Marten to a pine forest to make on a waterless valley a stone dam, a dam glinoju ordered to grease, and in it have put a board flaky and on it is written, where that is necessary shedshi from Moscow to Mozhaisk '. 

So the text ' a record pantry ', made, under the legend, in the Time of Troubles the Polish king Sigizmundom (under other version - impostor Grishkoj Otrepevym) begins. The original of this record executed ' on a copper board ' in Latin and Polish languages, on belief old kladoiskatelej, was in Warsaw, and secretly made list from it, translated into Russian, was widespread in the environment of Russian selectors of treasures... 

In that ' treasures of the Polish king ' are dated for the Time of Troubles, there is nothing surprising - in the Time of Troubles the large quantity of treasures that proves to be true numerous finds has been buried, and this fact speaks, more likely, in favour of a reality ' treasures of Sigizmunda '. To whom they belonged actually is already other question. 

Record on ' treasures of Sigizmunda ' passed from hand to hand in the most various versions. Invariable there were main signs: the centre ' kladonosnogo area ' in all variants of record is a certain country churchyard of Nikoly Lapotnogo. Also search ' for a treasure of the king ' some centuries. The Smolensk road was the trunk main of searches always. But actually there is no confidence that this treasure if it is, is buried there. The matter is that numerous variants ' ' specify to a record pantry similar places in Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Vladimir areas. And in a XIX-th century in Olonetsky province passed from hand to hand ' record ' with exact instructions that treasures are buried near one of the Karelian country churchyards, around Kondopoga. 

It is surprising that kladoiskatelstvo was rather widespread employment in the country environment. Sometimes ' the gold-rush ' covered the whole villages and even some settlements. Instead of ploughing and sowing, muzhiks got off in artel to three hundred persons and crowd left on good luck searches. About 1890 peasants of village of Ilinsky Makarevsky district and the nearest villages have decided to find a treasure by all means. The whole spring have wandered on wood, dug at night. But have found nothing. Failure explained that there was no consent in artel - everyone thought only of the profit to the detriment of another, and in such situation treasure, as it is known, ' is not given '. 

Around kladoiskatelstva were created and has put absolutely the surprising. In 1851 in Ohansky district one peasant ' it is confidential ' has told three serf workmen of count Stroganov that knows a place where the treasure for the sum to 70 thousand roubles - huge for those times money is buried. To guard a treasure it is put ' wood ' (leshy) which demands for delivery of a treasure of 1,5 thousand roubles, a bucket of vodka and a fish pie in weight in 10 pounds (4 kg). 

Anything to itself appetite at ' wood '! Workmen have combed in napes: it, of course, well, not without that, however... 

Descend this night into place - precisely eyes all will see, to it! - the muzhik swore. 

At night the company has gone to search for a treasure. Long made the way wood, at last left to the specified place - on the brink of a grove, about the big ant hill and an old fur-tree, it is valid on small depth in a hole the chest fettered by iron lay... 

But as soon as kladoiskateli have tried to open it, from a thicket the terrible trumpet voice was distributed: ' Hey! Not trozhte a chest, not that the death to you will be fierce! If wish to receive a treasure at midnight bring money one and a half tyshchi, a bucket of wine grain and a pie fish in ten pounds, and now away from here - there is no time me here with you vozhzhatsja, I on war go!' 

Kladoiskateli in fear have taken to the heels. However houses, having judged on a sober head, have decided that business standing - tea, not every day treasures in hands are given. Ordered to bake to women a pie, have run in a tavern behind a vodka bucket, poskrebli on susekam - have typed 447 roubles and at midnight, having crossed, have incurred on a treasured place gifts ' wood '. 

Your gifts I accept, - they have heard a voice leshego, - but a treasure today I will not give: month now young, a treasure to take dangerous 

There will be to you a strong mutilation. In two weeks come, yes gifts do not forget, and that of money have a little brought. 

In two weeks workmen were behind a treasure again, have brought 38 roubles more, a pie and wine half-buckets. Leshy has all the same turned obstinate, has told that will give a treasure, only when they will bring the sum lacking to one and a half thousand. 

Eh, muzhiks, - razdosadovanno one of kladoiskatelej has told, - give though with half an eye at a treasure we will look. 

Being concealed from leshego, muzhiks have got into a hole and have slightly opened a cover. The chest was full... Stones, beaten glass and dust. 

Ah you... Yours so! 

Muzhiks have rushed to bushes, whence broadcast ' wood '. Boughs cracked, whipped a bush is leshy in the dark at full speed bolted from enraged kladoiskatelej. But has not left - have caught. Also what? By the light of lanterns workmen have identified in ' wood ' that muzhik who has guided them at a treasure... 

Oh also beat him! 

And in the Voronezh places the kladoiskatel-fanatic whom all edge up and down proceeded has become famous, searching for treasures of the Kudejara-ataman, one of which, on its belief, consisted from ' 60 steam rooms volovih a silver supply, 10 poods of gold and the whole tray of jewels '. Round it kladoiskatelja the whole crowd of dexterous people, vtridoroga alloying to it every possible ' record pantries ', drawings, plots, ' rupture-grass ' etc., and also type talismans ' the clay extracted at midnight from a tomb udavlennika ' which ostensibly helps to take a treasure was fed. 

Contrary to the legends extended in the people about closed ' chests with gold ', one case when the similar treasure has really been found is known only: in 1985 in village Vozdvizhensky near Sergiev Posad, then 

Zagorsk, from the earth have taken densely fettered two iron of a chest, and in them it has appeared about two thousand gold and silver coins of a XVIII-th century. It is interesting that the same coins have been found in this place even before war some. Then experts have assumed that they - a part of a treasure of any rich merchant. A treasure have tried to find, but unsuccessfully then have decided that it is the next myth. Nevertheless the legend about a treasure continued to occur among local residents, exciting imagination of rural children while at building of sadovo-country co-operative society this find has not been made... 

It is interesting that one of chests has appeared full of holes - through this hole, probably, and have fallen out found before a coin. 

About any ' a chest with gold ' told in Vjazemsky area of the Smolensk region. Under the statement of the local residents, one woman, going through wood, it was casually hooked for something and has seen an iron ring sticking out of the earth. With effort having pulled for it, it has raised a cover of a small trunk together with a ring. In a chest gold, silver coins, and from above - a gold cross lay. Pull out its woman could not and, taking as proof from a trunk some coins, has gone home and has informed on a treasure to the husband. However, how many then searched for this place, could not find. 

The basic precious metal in the found treasures - silver. Thus treasures of silver coins XV-XVII of centuries can reach the huge sizes. The biggest treasure of a XVII-th century is found in Vologda - in it was 49 thousand silver copecks. Gold - very much a rare find. In Moscow, the richest city of the state, one treasure of ancient gold coins (excepting the finds concerning by a boundary of the XIX-XX-th centuries) is found only. From 44 treasures found till 1917 in Kostroma province, only in one there were gold coins - 16 pieces. ' Country ' treasures of XVIII century consist basically of copper coins, the truth, at times in gross weight in 60-80 kg and more '. 

Such is a real picture, A.Nizovsky studying ancient legends considers and were about ancient ' loads '. However, who knows - can be, not all ' chests with treasures ' are dug already out kladoiskateljami XVII-XVIII centuries. Anyway, our contemporaries are deeply convinced of a reality of such treasures also...

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