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Main » 2009 » March » 3 » Casually found treasures
Casually found treasures
1." Russian tsar Peter I was passionate kladoiskatelem - the truth, not always lucky. In 1708 when the country conducted a dragged-out war with Sweden, the tsar, knowing, Kievo-Pecherskaja of laurels is however rich, has arrived there to force clergymen to fork up. But monks have quickly hidden huge riches, yes so that Peter could leave not solono hlebavshi. The monks who have sworn that will reveal a secret to nobody of a treasure, till the end of the days kept the mouth shut. Almost two centuries the treasure hidden by them remained "not claimed". Have found out it casually, only in 1898. There was a repair of one church. It was necessary to remove a shabby timber floor on choruses and to replace its new. Builders have torn off boards and began to break a breakage a layer of earth being under it... After the next blow the breakage has plunged into a ground, as if in oil. When workers have removed last layers of earth to their eyes the thin pig-iron plate punched by a breakage has opened. It covered a niche in which stood wooden kadushka and four tin cans with densely screwed up covers. Workers have hardly taken from a niche tjazhelennye vessels: at once it was clear, than they are filled. So the richest treasure - 1 pood of 26 pounds of pure gold, 18 poods of 23 and 3/4 of pound of pure silver "has been found.

2. "1845. On suburb of Borisov the bird carrying in the nest any brilliant subjects has been noticed. In it there was a heap of the Lithuanian, Polish, Prussian and Russian coins of XVI century. Obviously, somewhere nearby was vypahan the treasure which has been not noticed by people. The bird involved with shine of silver, began to transfer it to the nest".

3. "1888. At village Novoselki of Baranovichsky area of the Brest area the mole working underground, has thrown out on a surface the Roman coins of I century d.C.".

4. "1921. Under the city of Slutsk the woman grazing a pig, with amazement has seen, how the animal has turned out a pot filled livonskimi and niderladskimi with coins of a XVII-th century from under the earth. A case, apparently, the unique. However still twice pigs have acted in a role successful kladoiskatelej: in 1961 (village Veska of Old Binsky area of the Minsk area: the polsko-Lithuanian coins of a XVII-th century) and in 1963 (village Otrubok of Dokshitsky area of Vitebsk area: silver of Livonia and the Netherlands of a XVII-th century.)".

5. "1964. The wood road washed away by a torrential rain conducting to settlement Kosaljaki of Kormjansky area of the Gomel area, has appeared covered with east coins of IX century".

6. "1969. In natural boundary" Velmovo "near village Girdovka of New Grudsky area of the Grodno area the boy, casually having dug the earth a stick, has come across a treasure of the polsko-Lithuanian coins of a XVII-th century".

7. "The electrician of the mobile mechanised column № 5 Peter Gusaruk, anything, of course, without suspecting, has gone down in the dug trench on one of building sites of the city of Dubno, has pulled densely bound roots... And together with the falling down earth has dropped out rusty metal the bank, up to the top filled with gold coins: 234 pieces, weight more than one and a half kgs. However, one pjatirublevka has appeared a fake. But to it business has not come to an end. P.Gusaruk, having aimed to find still something, has continued excavation in"gold-bearing"area. And it is not unsuccessful: has found out 126 coins in weight of 700 grammes.

8. "The gold ingot is powerful 12 kg 285,3 g the machine operator of collective farm of Lenin n Nikolay Vasilenko has found in the summer of 1987. In bank this standard gold brusok, cast in 1918, has been estimated in 588 thousand roubles of N.Vasilenko has received for the find the largest in Russia the sum - 147 thousand roubles: 25 percent provided by the law from the estimated cost of a treasure". But the most interesting that this brusok behind number 1101 has communication with gold of commercial banks and insurance societies of the Amur province, whose gold reserves are estimated in tons. These treasures have been removed with lined on Zeya kanonerskoj boats "Orochanin" in 1918. Any ingot from remained 1100 (if it is no more!) anywhere did not appear any more and consequently, till now gold somewhere is hidden!

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