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Main » 2009 » March » 3 » The Kremlin treasures
The Kremlin treasures
It appears, even today it is possible to find a treasure in the centre of Moscow. Some years ago at repair of one of houses on Znamenka workers have found two glass jars, and them wrapped in the newspapers of 1942, 552 gold coins of times of Nikolay I and Nikolay II in gross weight of 4,5 kg! Only present - almost five kg of gold!

Today this treasure and other unique subjects can be seen at an exhibition "New receipts in Museums of the Moscow Kremlin (1995-2005)". The small exposition on volume entirely consists of historical curiosities and masterpieces of different epoch. With a special piety art dealers speak about a masterpiece of the Byzantian art: a silver ladle with a spoon (the end IV-has begun V century) and two koltah – temporal rings which were carried by women of quality of times of the Kiev Russia (XII). On walls of the Byzantian vessel the cheerful procession led by god of wine of Dionisiem and the Sir is represented. Uniqueness of a ladle also that the complete set - a vessel and a spoon to what the inscription on the ladle handle – gross weight of two subjects testifies for the first time is found. Even the Louvre glances with envy at finds, having asked them to itself on an exhibition.

One more pearl of an exposition – an icon of Mother of god Odigitrija ("Putevoditelnitsa", XV). Acquisition last year a mug executed by known Moscow jeweller firm Sazikova became rare good luck. This subject is directly connected with historical meeting of the Armory Museum - the mug is executed on drawing of one of XVII-th century exhibits.

There are here products of the famous jeweller firms of the past (Faberge and Hlebnikova) and our contemporaries, a product zlatoustovskih armourers and medalerov, subjects of a life of the higher nobility of end XiX-nachalaXx centuries and female ornaments from archeological excavations in territory of the Kremlin.

And the collection of a court dress of the end of the XIX-th century, belonging to Maria Maksimilianovne, the princess Badensky meets visitors. Nikolay I grand daughter on the one hand and Ezhena Bogarne (stepson Napoleon) with another, it differed not only refined taste, but also, apparently, surprising thrift. In the Kremlin meeting has arrived about 70 subjects – dresses, gloves, umbrellas and other accessories. It is interesting that charming ladies' umbrellas could not only change a handle angle of slope, covering their owners from the sun, but also to develop, turning to a fan.

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