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The basic classification of treasures
1. All treasures on a general characteristic share on three groups:
Valuable treasures - to which concern the hiding places containing more of half of subjects obshcheprinjatyhtsennostej of time of a burial place. It is the most widespread group of treasures, and the majority of examples of detection of treasures - acknowledgement to that. Household treasures - represent certain "motley crew" from every possible subjects of a household purpose. Such burial places are characteristic for districts where there passed population shift - for example, in case of voluntary evacuation. Hiding places have expressed "binding" to the left dwelling. Value of treasures depends on an antiquity of household subjects.
Relikvijnye treasures - sostovljajut group trudnopredskazuemyh hiding places. "..." to Undertake search of a treasure which can be ranked to relikvijnoj to group, it is possible only in two cases: or when there is a customer paying searches, or there are exact data on the hiding place maintenance, and they are equitable to your interests. 2. Division of treasures on motivation of a burial place. Savings - those small and big treasures in which people or groups lbdej isstari stored money and jewelry. The greatest variety of places uprjatyvanija and ways of masking concern this group: here and "short-term" treasures in a hollow of a tree or under a threshold, there and then - and terrible treasures of pirates. As a rule, such treasures, in the majority, involve in themselves of selectors and bring in the considerable income to successful people. The statistics says that to 70 % of such treasures find in the earth, and the bottom horizon of a burial place seldom exceeds 1,5 metres uglublennosti concerning a surface of the device of a hiding place. Certainly, this figure undertakes without change of a lay of land under influence of the natural or technogenic factors changing depth of immersing of horizons of a burial place.
Situatsionnnye treasures - concern them the treasures hidden in ekstrimalnyh conditions. The situations which have caused emergency measures on concealment of treasure, can be the diversified, but their influence is given to hiding places many by the general signs detailed acquaintance with which will allow to narrow a circle of searches considerably. As examples wartime treasures when bystromenjajushchajasja operative conditions forced to use not desirable means for reliable shelter of values, and the first comers most accessible which probably to count kladoiskatelju serve. Cult treasures - the weight of the values sacrificed to pagan gods and spirits concerns them. Plural wood altars and underground sanctuaries, sacred stones and sacrificial reservoirs store vozde themselves considerable treasures. For search of similar treasures it is necessary to study thoroughly traditions of the ancient people, there is no time occupying districts interesting selectors, having addressed to the historical literature.
3. Treasures are subdivided on superficial, underground and underwater. Superficial treasures - all those treasures which are hidden in land constructions, natural cavities (excepting caves), are buried in the earth not more deeply three metres. On kollichestvennomu to structure such treasures occupy a leading place among all found out and fixed finds of values, however, they concede a palm to underwater treasures at estimated cost of the taken subjects. "..." a find made in boundary territory "water-land", sometimes happens difficultly to carry to this or that group: the land raising can make a sea treasure "overland", and land subsidence - on the contrary, sends under water superficial treasures The values hidden in natural and artificial podhzemeljah concern underground treasures, and as dug in the earth on depth more than three metres. "..." deeply dug treasures often concern a category of difficult burial places, and for exact detection demand high-sensitivity diagnostichcheskuju equipment that is interfaced with heavy capital investments. They demand exact documentary check and serious archival works for reduction of expenses on unnecessary dredging, because of discrepancies in strategy poiskaju The group of underwater treasures includes as actually the treasures hidden under water, and the values hidden by water and ground deposits besides will of their owner. "..." underwater excavation of the sunk sites of a land is interesting more likely to underwater archeologists, than kladoiskateljam. Smaller expenses manage kladoiskateljam perspective enough searches of situational treasures in fresh waters.
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