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1. All treasures on a general characteristic share on three groups:

Valuable treasures - to which concern the hiding places containing more of half of subjects obshcheprinjatyhtsennostej of time of a burial place. It is the most widespread group of treasures, and the majority of examples of detection of treasures - acknowledgement to that.
Household treasures - represent certain "motley crew" from every possible subjects of a household purpose. Such burial places are characteristic for districts where there passed population shift - for example, in case of voluntary evacuation. Hiding places have expressed "binding" to the left dwelling. Value of treasures depends on an antiquity of household subjects. 

Relikvijnye treasures - sostovljajut group trudnopredskazuemyh hiding places. "..." to Undertake search of a treasure which can be ranked to relikvijnoj to group, it is possible only in two cases: or when there is a cus ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 17878 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (14)

Treasure - hidden in the earth or in a wall of the house riches. Happen "pure", i.e. not bewitched Treasures which any person without harm for itself can take away. But the majority of Treasures "dirty", bewitched, protected by evil spirit and accessible to volume who knows special magic ways of their finding and reception.
Hiding riches, its owner «puts pledge», i.e. says a spell where defines conditions at which can be seized the Treasure, for example to sustain a seven-day post, to make a sacrifice, etc. the Treasure happens is put «on someone's head» (for example, on goose, dog, bull). It means what take away the Treasure the one who will kill this animal on the Treasure location can only. The treasure can be zakljato on a head of the father or mother of the one who will try to take a treasure; on 40 human goals and then 40 persons should die, tried to seize the Treasure, and only forty first can take away it.
According to po ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 3399 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (2)

So, you have decided to be engaged in search of the lost relics. What for this purpose it is necessary? To begin with you should define for yourselves a concrete direction in which you will work that most of all you interests. Successfully to search, and the most important thing - to find, it is completely not necessary to go somewhere at the other end of the world. Everything of what you only can dream, lies near to you and asks: "Take me!" It is absolutely not obligatory to stay hours in libraries, sifting on particles poor data from books and newspapers (well, can except for archive of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs). The basic information is extracted by local population interrogation. The keystone to success is a persistence and obstinacy. The success consists of 97 % of persistent work and only 3 % of luck. Good luck to you of the colleague! Treasures wait for you the Treasure... What loud word! The TREASURE some hothe ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1307 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

It appears, even today it is possible to find a treasure in the centre of Moscow. Some years ago at repair of one of houses on Znamenka workers have found two glass jars, and them wrapped in the newspapers of 1942, 552 gold coins of times of Nikolay I and Nikolay II in gross weight of 4,5 kg! Only present - almost five kg of gold!

Today this treasure and other unique subjects can be seen at an exhibition "New receipts in Museums of the Moscow Kremlin (1995-2005)". The small exposition on volume entirely consists of historical curiosities and masterpieces of different epoch. With a special piety art dealers speak about a masterpiece of the Byzantian art: a silver ladle with a spoon (the end IV-has begun V century) and two koltah – temporal rings which were carried by women of quality of times of the Kiev Russia (XII). On walls of the Byzantian vessel the cheerful procession led by god of wine of Dionisiem and the Sir is repre ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1198 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

The thought on that somewhere underground lies a heap of ownerless money, in popular speech named a treasure, excites many people. The owner who has dug money of some honeycombs, and can be thousand years ago, hardly is behind the riches. Only the spirit turns it over a reserved place, howling and silently sobbing, regretting for those pleasures which it could receive for these riches during lifetime.

It is assured that each inhabitant of a big city of ten times passed by someone the treasure dug underground, without guessing at all it. Archeologists know that there are so-called many-tier treasures when under a treasure buried rather recently, it appears another is hidden, even more ancient.

So in Moscow, at heating main building, in a dredge ladle there were at once coins from three treasures buried during different epoch! Probably for the person hiding a treasure, certain places possess attractive, a mystic force.
< ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1612 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

1." Russian tsar Peter I was passionate kladoiskatelem - the truth, not always lucky. In 1708 when the country conducted a dragged-out war with Sweden, the tsar, knowing, Kievo-Pecherskaja of laurels is however rich, has arrived there to force clergymen to fork up. But monks have quickly hidden huge riches, yes so that Peter could leave not solono hlebavshi. The monks who have sworn that will reveal a secret to nobody of a treasure, till the end of the days kept the mouth shut. Almost two centuries the treasure hidden by them remained "not claimed". Have found out it casually, only in 1898. There was a repair of one church. It was necessary to remove a shabby timber floor on choruses and to replace its new. Builders have torn off boards and began to break a breakage a layer of earth being under it... After the next blow the breakage has plunged into a ground, as if in oil. When workers have removed last layers of earth to their eyes th ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1227 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

How many treasures are hidden, nobody knows, how many is found, the exact data is not present, there is only an official statistics, and fans how many have found and has not given 75 % to the state... 54 treasures, the majority are officially found In Yaroslavl region the monetary. But only one gold, in village Great. I have found the information on not found treasures in territory of Russia. To whom interestingly will read, and to whom will very interestingly go to search. Dare!



On a legend, the treasure from gold and silver coins is buried in Popovom to wood. In 1870 in a ravine reaching for the river Oskol throughout four versts, a high water has washed up human bones. Under the decree of princess Chebotarevoj to which posessed this possession, peasants have searched a ravine and have found a burial place of the soldier: on a skull - a helmet; beside a skel ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1432 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

And to this day, researchers confirm, in the Russian earth considerable treasures are concealed. For summer wait all. Look forward. But the impatience of that part of our fellow citizens which with approach of warm days, the earth hardly will dry up is especially great, go on searches of treasures. These are professional kladoiskateli, precisely knowing (here of what they are assured!) where infinite riches as ' to take ' them and that with them then are covered by ancestors to do. For such confidence they like have all bases - the wide experience of many unruly predecessors is generalised and investigated...

Each lake, deep wood ravine, dark, porosshy mohom the boulder and a standing alone centenary pine have own, specifying in possible luck, a legend. The thrown trading ways on wood volokam and to the rivers, grown for centuries wood the rests of ancient sites of ancient settlement both unknown tombs and barrows store the secr ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1370 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Pirates - the people constantly risking a life, trying not to reflect on tomorrow and consequently the riches extracted in fights with ease departured from their hands. Data on treasures of Ticha, Morgan, Kidd and other piracy captains throughout centuries have acquired such network of legends that in them it is already impossible to distinguish the truth from fiction. Undoubtedly that in numerous legends about them there is any share of true, however is not casual that finds of piracy treasures - the phenomenon exclusively rare. Here I will result only some stories about legendary piracy treasures.

If on a card of the western hemisphere from a city of Montreal on the southeast to spend a straight line to the cape Kabo-Frio located at east extremity of the South America, and then to connect a line this cape to islands the Coco in Pacific ocean, near Panama, and to spend one more line from the Coco to Montreal on a card there will be a triangle. All over the ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1660 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

The find which has been found out recently in pojme of the river of Berezina in Borisovsky area, is unique. To tell about it more in detail we have asked the senior scientific employee of department of archeology of the medieval period of Institute of history of National academy of sciences of Belarus Oleg Iova.

On Berezina, in that place where in 1812 the French armies were forwarded, the international scout camp was spent. Students from Belarus, and also Holland, France, the USA, Spain, Czechia investigated events of that war - searched for a place of a crossing, a burial place to establish there a monument. The senior lecturer of pedagogical university Igor Grutso, the supervisor of studies of archeological excavations - I was the project head.

And suddenly - absolutely casual find. The restorer of the Belarus state museum of history of the Great Patriotic War Sergey Zaharov has come across in pojme the rivers sword fragments. Originally it has c ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1453 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

search season for kladoiskatelej comes nearer. Already somewhere in Africa rooks thoughtfully chew worms, turning beaks towards Russia - just about should go warmly on the north. They nagulivajut a fat also clean feathers, preparing for an arrival on native fields.

Kladoiskatel too prepares in the winter: repairs marching regimentals, sharpens a shovel, it is picked archives and bajkah, laying the future routes, puts in order the most expensive child - the metal detector. Some, considering seasonal reduction of prices, are going to get them. About metal detectors my further narration also will go.

Last summer I was in a situation which for kladoiskatelja is the most terrible - there was no device for search. To ask it in loans business almost useless - if will give, rainy day. And if for a week - leave monetary pledge of its cost. And money was not. Which as it was interrupted, eliciting that at one at another, people to our manufacturers of similar equipment yet ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1404 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

desire to find a treasure, is in everyone, and here kladoiskatelem to be given not to everyone. This passion arises since the childhood and with the years it grows stronger all more strongly as cognac, or vanishes for ever. Much depends on itself. Fishing, hunting - it too passion. Both the fisherman does not understand the hunter, and the hunter will not understand the fisherman. And kladoiskatelja will not understand neither those, nor others.

Adrenaline and trophies are the general at all.

With what at me all has begun? I will try to recollect.

end 80 beginning 90. General hobby ekstrosensorikoj at all population of Russia. A stream of the literature of various subjects. Lozahodstvo. I had a wild interest to this theme how by means of any twig something find underground? Read, studied, trained (showered a coin under a carpet and a framework defined where it). Once has visited a local museum and there has bought a book on archaeologica ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1489 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

About six years ago, already it is a lot of nalazivshis on attics, I have begun the kladoiskatelskuju career.

As well as many, probably, getting the device, I hoped in rather foreseeable future to find a treasure and by that, resolutely to change the well-being.

But to begin gradually, with small, I have not risked and have bought the best for that time the device «Spectrum XLT» - the means blessing allowed. Besides, I realised that start should be resolute, differently will turn to infinitely searching stayer (marafontsa). The device has appeared is good, and I rejoiced, finding set of entertaining knickknacks.

Somehow time, there was it in the middle of the next season, my friend has interested me in the message on a domestic-owned firm making metallodetektory. It without wishing to appear on a progress roadside, I have approached in firm "АКА" and have familiarised with production.

pomjatuja that all is l ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1547 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

The nugget is not faceless gold in an ingot the price to which some dollars for gramme. Each nugget unique and unique, everyone has the destiny. Been born somewhere in depths the earths much millions years ago, the nugget has passed a long way on a surface, the millimetre behind millimetre has overcome slopes and river valleys and, at last, has got to you to a palm. When I find a nugget, I would like to tell to it "Hi", to learn, where he was born, how old is he, where and how he travelled, whence at it scars and scratches, whether it is live still the source which has given birth to it, what?

Nuggets can give the fine information on radical sources, its generated. Unlike small zolotin, nuggets leave rather near to the radical sources. Therefore they it is incomparable informativnee small gold. The size of nuggets, their form, okatannost, inclusions of breeds, in a complex with the detailed characteristic of a place of a fin ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 2191 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

test place, the ploughed field, has been chosen not casually. For two weeks on a site of 30*50 metres it has been lifted metallodetektorami Sovereign and Explorer with 10 inch coils about 200 coins. A rich site surveyed to last centimetre. The further searches of new finds did not bring. All good sometime comes to an end, and companions have crept away across the field in search of the best place.

Establishing the brand new 15 inch coil on Explorer, I, of course, hoped to find pair-three coins, but the result has surpassed all wash expectations. The first aim - large and very rare ten cheap "the Siberian coin". Afterwards, in one and a half metres from the first "the Siberian" five-copeck coin in a fine condition. The photo See. In total 18 coins, natelnyj a dagger, a shutter from an icon, ornaments from horse harnesses, set of the copper forged hats from nails in size with a five-kopeck coin of the USSR and other dust have been lifted. What that ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1273 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (3)

Work principle Metal detector

The metal detector-it the electronic device which finds out metal presence without contacting to it (thanks to radiation of radio-waves and catching of secondary signals), and, having found out, informs the operator. In the search coil the electromagnetic field which extends in environment, whether it be the earth, a stone, water, a tree, air is created. On a surface of the metals which have got to an operative range of the search coil, under the influence of an electromagnetic field there are so-called vortical currents. These vortical currents create own counter electromagnetic fields leading to decrease of capacity of an electromagnetic field, created by the search coil, as is fixed by an electronic circuitry of the instrument. The difference between cheap and expensive models consists only in methods of radiation of radio-waves and methods of catching, processing and interpretation of secondary ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1214 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

X-Terra 70 detector for search of coins, treasures, gold nuggets. Has gone on sale in March, 2006. Three frequencies of detection 3 and 7.5 and 18.75 kgts allow to find out equally well both large, and very small purposes. Low frequency 3 kgts deeply gets into soil and allows to find out the purposes on the maximum depth. High frequency 18,75 kgts and special program Prospector allows to find out zolotinki less than a match head and weight from 150 mg. To reach such universality new technology VFLEX developed by firm Minelab has allowed.

In detail about metallodetektore X-Terra 70

 X-Terra30 And Xterra50 detectors executed on the newest microprocessor technology VFLEX, has allowed to make these models extralight and reliable. Full weight with food batteries only 1360 gramme. The case vlagozashchitnyj, the coil is water-proof.

Detectors are delivered complete with 9 inch Mono coils detection working on low deep frequency 7,5 KGts. VFLEX the tech ... Read more »
Category: Fisher | Views: 1516 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

New model of ruler Fisher. At first sight, the detector a little than differs, for example, from CZ70, by the form, the same pistol handle, the same bar. But, if more attentively to study this machine you start to understand that it is absolutely new detector in the class. In the first in the detector visual function on which is added it is possible to define conductivity of the found out metal, management buttons were updated, accuracy of a car of balance of a ground has improved, the sound discriminator of four voice-frequency, programmiruemost and recently developed technology D.P.A.

In addition to the excellent 4 voice-frequency sound discriminator, the huge display with digital I.D. New system of balancing of soil FisherTRAK. Three operating modes: All metals, the Discriminator, Pinpojnt. 

Three user programs which can be kept in memory of the detector, plus one factory program of search. Built in internal dinamik and the tip for ear- ... Read more »
Category: Fisher | Views: 1564 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)


One of the main parametres of the metal detector is a depth of detection of objects. As a rule, for beginning this parametre it is covered by a gloom. It it is no wonder - in one catalogue advertising metal detectors you will not find instructions, on what distance the device finds out a coin, the metal jug, etc. Is underlined, at the best, the device and what time it how many weighs can work without accumulator change. The parametre "the maximum theoretically possible depth of detection" which several times is more than of what the person having control over the metal detector thinks is sometimes resulted.

To clear this point in question, the information stated more low, it is broken for convenience on a scale of the sizes of various subjects of search.


Let's begin with that the coin in diameter usually is meant a coin in descriptions of many foreign devices of 25 (mm). For those who else remem ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1164 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

The very first model of family CX let out by firm Garrett, manufacture is stopped, on change to it has been let out Garrett CX2.

Models CX were issued in one, standard execution.

The semiprofessional metal detector, konstruktiv traditional, is executed from plastic of darkly green colour, the top bar is executed from aljumineego an alloy, bottom, from high-strength white plastic, electronics block vlago is protected, strelochnyj the indicator. Ergonomic functions of the metal detector are executed in traditional execution CX of models, is too high posazhenyj an armrest in a combination to a display arrangement. For work demands 6 power supplies, battarej/akamuljatorov type C of "flank". The nest of connection of ear-phones is located on a metal detector lateral face that has to application G - the figurative tip of ear-phones. All manipulations with options are conducted through the buttons located on the display ... Read more »
Category: Garrett | Views: 1705 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Let's result practical to result of work with some devices.

Goldmaster-3 The Scottish firm White's. This device us finds the most part of nuggets, including the majority small (from 180 mg to 1 gr.). The smallest nugget (gold) had the size approximately 5х4х2 mm. The same device had been found wedding rings. As a whole, this device was used by me most of all.

The device has the discriminator which well rejects the false signals connected with ferriferous subjects. On pirit of which was much, the device did not react, though sometimes showed anomalies on black uglistyh slates. He also has allowed to find some large crystals ilmenita and the large unit pirrotina.

Expenditures of labour on area inspection by this device average about 1 hour on 100 m. sq.

The device idle time in circulation, works from 8 finger-type batteries for 1,5 century which suffices for 3-4 days of work.

As a whole, the device ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 4279 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

The test was spent with metal detector Fisher 1280-X Aquanaut which has been announced in 1985. It is the underwater metal detector, but can conduct search and on a land. It is by default completed with 8 inch search coil. The detector design is executed in special style, the pistol handle is combined with absolutely direct bar regulated under your growth. Power supplies are directly in electronics block, are closed tightly. Electronics block can be carried on a zone belt or it is mounted directly on the detector.

Elements of management of the detector:

1280-X has 3 regulators of options of the detector. A regulator of sensitivity Sensitivity, a regulator of discrimination Discrimination, and a regulator of loudness of sound signal Volume. The detector has automatic balance of a ground, works only in a mode motion, that is for purpose detection, the wave of the search coil is required. Eight inch search coil behaves the best, in comparison wit ... Read more »
Category: Fisher | Views: 1482 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Let's consider two principles of search valuable obektov in the field with use metallodetektora. We will assume that the size of a field is that that for one hour the ring of yours metallodetektora can pass 10 % of the area of a field. The first of considered types of search consists that the operator freely walks up and down across the field in any order, without doing a ring of overlapping of the previous pass. The second type of search - search on setkoobraznomu to a route from 50 % overlapping of the previous pass.

By casual search you start to cover a field with speed of 10 % at an o'clock. But as you go across the field in a random way, you start to encounter areas which already have passed earlier and speed of survey of the new areas decreases (the Red line). Mathematical expression for a share of the surveyed earth is [1-e-rt].

Use setkoobraznogo a route from 50 % overlapping of the previous pass gives 5 % of the area of the surveyed field ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1061 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

It was tested Garrett GTI 2500, it is the latest model of ruler GTI, its predecessor was GTI 2000. Changes in 2500 models were the following, depth of search is increased, the smoothing filter on balance of a ground, more exact recognition of the purpose by means of DSP the processor, system Fast Track is added. In general the kind at 2000 and 2500 is identical, to distinguish them it is possible only on a label.

The display on 2500 very informative, all program options for a kind.

Areas were from ferrous metal while we have decided them not to touch. During the search rest of the time in a mode of the Relic some fragments from nonferrous metal, a sleeve and an aluminium hairbrush, all on rather not to a deep water have got to us. But here that is remarkable at work with 2500, the detector is late at intensive pass over the purpose, probably a little, strong loading DSP of the processor affects, it was necessary to reduce vzmahovyj rat ... Read more »
Category: Garrett | Views: 1398 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

New model M6 from Whites was tested, this new car is similar on MXT, and tell that it as though continuation, to us the return sees, not continuation it, and the new model more simplified.

Matrix M6 search on a beach and so forth works on 14 kgts which gives good sensitivity to a trifle, will be just right. M6 copes two regulators and the switch, located on the detector case so e there is a traditional trigger, on a detector handle. Regulator Sens, includes/switches off the detector and accordingly regulates sensitivity of the detector. Regulator Disc accordingly carries out function of discrimination of metals, with inherent analogue discriminators division on zones. The switch has three positions, automatic tracking a ground, fixed and search function on a beach as you have guessed this switch is intended for manipulations with options on balance of soil. By the way it is a mode very much who approaches for those does not like to regulate balancing in manu ... Read more »
Category: Whites | Views: 1547 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

ACE250 - One of new models of ruler ACE. ACE150 and 250 has replaced the previous number ACE of detectors, appearance and elements of management of the detector has essentially changed.

Electronics block is completely modified. The detector is designed in sports style, the detector weight is reduced, the search coil of new type Rhino Proformance is applied.

ACE 250 copes by means of 6 buttons of management. Power, Pinpoint, Elimination, Mode, Sensitivity and Discrimination. ACE250 has LCD the display which provides the user with the necessary information both by search and at detector adjustment, also as well as the information on the found out purpose, including:

Target ID: One of 12 segments identifies that was revealed.

Target Depth: Shows approximate depth of the found out object in inches; that is, 2, 4, 6 or 8

Condition of batteries: an icon of a condition of batteries.

Sensitivity: Specifies the l ... Read more »
Category: Garrett | Views: 1111 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

At numerous requests us was metal detector Garrett, model GTP 1350 is taken on testing. Which is new working out in rulers GT.

At first sight GTP 1350 it is similar on GTI 1500, the same size of the block of electronics, well in general from outside GTI 1500. The truth in 1350 is available the, unique scale (a mask, a grid, name as want) which specifies in the size of the found out purpose. A thing, undoubtedly, very convenient, that is at a combination the discriminator – the size of the purpose, it is possible to do already more less detailed conclusion. GTP on russki this Graphic Target Profiling, this name 1350 has received from abilities not only to specify in the target identifier and depth through LCD but also and the target size, however, in a bit other form as it was and is on GTI models. GTP defines three types of object, on size it, small, average and big. GTP differs from GTI naturally price, has the search coil of other type, rather than GTI, and at the same tim ... Read more »
Category: Garrett | Views: 1324 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

In the beginning of 2005 Garrett has let out on the market cheap and quite worthy model Ace150, it was the new coil in manufacture not expensive, qualitative metal detectors from Garrett. Two versions of new models Ace are issued, it is 150 and 250. For today it is possible to tell that these detectors were generally recognised, both in the homeland of the detector in the USA, and in Russia and on all post-Soviet territory.

Ace 150 has not something in common with the first models Ace, these are absolutely new decisions in this ruler. Both Garrett Ace 150/250 yellow colours, have satisfactory ergonomics and easy enough on weight. As soon as you include Ace 150, all options are easy for understanding, three buttons the control panels located on a face sheet. 1. Mode 2.Sensitivity and 3. Power. LCD the display is moderately informative. The target index, better to say the cursor, specifies by search in one of 5 segments, identifying the purpose on ... Read more »
Category: Garrett | Views: 1149 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

It was tested Fisher 1225-X, it was spent both the air test, and field tests. In this article we will try to describe the detector with all its advantages and lacks. The only thing that not so is pleasant so it is the long wire from the search coil, such impressions that Fisher conceived these wires for 3 metre giants, it is necessary to wind coils on 25 wire that it did not dangle, in the rest, a detector design typical for Fisher. All is regulated under growth of the operator, the telescopic design is executed soundly, ljuftov is not noticed.

Electronics block joins a bar as on runners, as well as all Fishers.

1225-X has only 3 regulators of management of the detector, it is "discriminator", "sensitivity" and "pinpojnt". Certainly, there is a nest for ear-phones and built in dinamik. All regulators and the button pinpojnta are located quite ergonomically, and the hand does not get tired. The discriminator regulator as includes the detector, ... Read more »
Category: Fisher | Views: 2294 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

The new model from Minelab, X-Terra 70 was tested, it is the latest and best of ruler Terra, combining the most flexible options and the best possibilities in tradition Minelab why I so speak because it is valid so, having tested 70 model, take pleasure, Minelab really is able to do metal detectors. X-70 uses the checked up elements of management from others X-Terra models and adds a number new which seriously expand universality of this detector.

In tradition X-Terra X-70 as well as colleagues 30 and 50 allow to change working frequencies simple replacement of the search coil. As X-70 has two various ways of balance of the soil, one for dry, normal soil and another for a beach which suppose that the detector compensated influence of salt and black sand which considerably improve stability (stability) and depth of search in such areas. Other addition on X-70 is a mode prospecting which is an independent operating mode. 70 X-Terra copes 11 buttons which are located on electronics ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 1479 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Has come to check up time for the prof. suitability such powerful machine as GPX4000, one of the newest and expensive metal detectors of such class. The detector has taken part in our expedition and we tested it in many places, under various weather conditions what to tell, konstruktiv at GPX4000 magnificent, the truth tells about "ease" of the detector I can of nothing, tjazhelovat slightly, all the same 2.5 kg, plus the accumulator about 1 kg, but he deserves it. GPX4000 was issued in October, 2006, all who used earlier 3500, I wish to tell that 4000, it is absolutely new car, with features which, in my opinion, will be pleasant to all who is engaged in this branch.

Let's look what innovations has entered Minelab in 4000:

Has appeared LCD the display, the truth it on the back party of the mainframe of electronics settles down, support of the user of the interface is expressed so-called DCS (Advanced Digital Control System) system, the menu at 40 ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 1892 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

On the test it has appeared new Fisher 1236-X2 metalldetektor, konstruktiv typical for Fisher, consisting of 3 parts. New 1236-X2 - Fisher's the latest version, its previous model 1235-X. Those who used 1235-X, know that it is simplified enough detector which works adequately, and new 1236-X2 does all the same, but it is more and better. 

At first sight, 1236-X2 it is similar on 1235-X, but, has a little unique and valuable enough improvements. From which best it Silencer circuit.

1236-X2 works on low frequency of search 5.7 KGTS. Two modes of search, static (a mode pinpojnt) and dynamic in a discriminator mode.

Four regulators — three of them – multipurpose, switch Silencer, the button pinpojnta, an exit on ear-phones and built in dinamik. Electronics block is put on a bar on runners, as at Fisher's majority, simply and conveniently.

A detector food is carried out from two 9-volt batteries. Has mode VCO.


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Category: Fisher | Views: 3158 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Minelab Sovereign GT has reached and our test platform. About Sovereign it is possible to tell long and basically positive things, but we will strongly not go deep into an essence and we will consider this detector from outside the simple user. If a little to recollect that the first in own way was Sovereign XS having 17 frequencies of search 1.5 kgts to 25.5 kgts, BBS (Broad Band Spectrum), behind it left Elite and here at all for a long time it has replaced GT. That these give 17 frequencies to the detector, basically, consistently to find out and distinguish the purposes more more precisely than unifrequent metal detectors, especially in soil having a high mineralization, on sea beaches. The first change in GT is obvious, unlike Elite at it change the top bar, so to say S a bar, now at GT there is a straight line, without bends a bar, for metal detector keeping the handle as at GP models, but there is also an European variant with S a bar is added. It would be d ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 1868 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Sea Hunter Mark 2 works under scheme PI which does not react to salty water or black sand. This technology PI, is specially calculated on search in salty water, on a beach, and allows to conduct search in crude soil. A unique minus, absence of the discriminator. Though some PI detectors have discrimination of metals. Though it is possible and to tell that at Mark 2 there is a similarity of the discriminator which is at VLF detectors, it is named, discrete elimination threw - dust, supposes elimination of the certain undesirable purposes.

The metal detector has two modes of the discriminator, standard and discrete. The standard mode works, as well as all PI detectors and deduces a constant sound signal which is called Treshlod and which changes when the coil is over the purpose. Discrimination in this mode is possible, but at increase in the discriminator depth of search will be reduced, in the most extreme position of the discriminator it can decrease to 50 ... Read more »
Category: Garrett | Views: 1133 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Metal detector Garrett GTAx550 was tested. In our opinion, the ideal detector for the beginner, here and pinpojnt, and two aaplets, in general, at first sight impresses. It is the improved model after GTA 500, was, the truth also GTAx500, but it from the same series as GTA, ostensibly spoke that have improved, but believe GTA 500 and GTAx 500 too most, and here GTAx550 it already an another matter, and sensitivity is better, and appearance has changed. That new in 550 models, well in the first it belltone, Crossfire 2 search coil, in difference from GTA with the first Crossfire. In the rest all the same, a car a ground balance, pinpojnt, two aaplets of search, a sound threshold, on the display of a picture of prototypes of the purposes of a steel more beautiful look!

The detector has 8 buttons of management.

Power/Hold to reset — includes, switches off the detector and allows to dump all options to factory installations by default.

Pinpoint — Electronic pin ... Read more »
Category: Garrett | Views: 1521 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

On the test model Fisher 1270, this model is partially based on model 1266-X which became the original standard, in the world of searchers which prefer Fisher models 12XX. The first model of this series was 1260-X, in due time the most popular, then Fisher has let out 1266-X which became even better. Model 1270 combines all former functions plus new workings out which we and will try to check up in field conditions, and has been let out 1270 to 70 letiju firms Fisher.

Konstruktiv the detector typical for Fisher, 3 shtangovyj, a handle pistol, an armrest standard with softening small pillows. Ergonomics top-level, weight not big, about 1.7 kg with power supplies. 1266-X had such function Silencer, and here 1270 already has addition to it that does by its more universal and much functional detector. In 1270 began to apply new type of the discriminator separately on ferrous metal as there is also a regulator for standard function of the discriminator, is in the detector and fun ... Read more »
Category: Fisher | Views: 2510 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Here and to us the new model from Minelab, X-Terra 50 has got. More than year Minelab worked over new model. The first that is evident, when take in hands this detector, it is weight, 1.5 kg, everything that is not so typical for Minelab, we will recollect Explorer which weighs rather much. X-50 it is completed with 9 inch coil by default.

X-50 - The unifrequent detector, but Minelab has chosen other unique approach to eliminate one of lacks of unifrequent detectors. At a choice simple odnochastotnika VLF, working frequency frequently dictates a game rule, that is, lower frequency will find out more deeply, but is less sensitive to the small purposes and that of average conductivity, copper or gold type. Higher frequencies, are more sensitive to these purposes, but do not find out them so deeply. X-50 solves this problem, replacing (changing) frequencies, in the coil which is connected to the detector. The standard 9 inch concentric coil works on 7.5 kgts. For the increased sens ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 3127 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

As well as all Prizm, the fifth not the exception, is very easy devices on weight, weigh only 1. 2 kg with batteries. Provide the maximum depth and the maximum covering, the detector is completed with search coil Prizm 950 (9.5-inch) with an aperture in the centre. With such coil Whites completes only 5th model. In the complete set there were also ear-phones Whites, the cartridge training to video (in English).

The detector fits well in a hand, ergonomic, all design is typical for Whites, black colour.

All adjustments and detector adjustment are simple enough and have the user, any zamudrennyh options, all is simple.

That attractively that the detector has 8 various types of the sound tonalities, everyone to the prototype on the discriminator.

For those who prefer smaller quantity of sound tonalities, Prizm V can be adjusted on 3х the voice-frequency sound discriminator (low/medium/high) that is I.D with 3 types of a signal on the response. Also ... Read more »
Category: Whites | Views: 9700 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Here we also have received at last new Explorer SE for such long-awaited test, tested the detector in total week (6 days if to be more exact), on an hour 3 in day as time allowed. Konstruktiv standard, understands on 3 parts, the covering of a handle became softer. At first sight, it was the same native explorer but that has considerably changed its appearance, it is colour of the device, and there was it, dark that very much it is not bad, it is spoilt now any more as the second explorer or XS, remembered after a season it was necessary ottirat light cases of explorers to give to it an appropriate kind. The coil now, it is similar from Sovereign:) ) By the form. Fonts, as well as promised, in mode VDI have increased, but for what it is not clear, and so all has been perfectly read. Technology FBS remained former, old kind 28 frequencies. On it external differences SE from the colleagues come to an end. Now to the main thing, I wish to express the opinion on depth ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 1070 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

following information is intended for users metallodetektorov Explorer, and as for those who is a little familiar with similar type of batteries NiMH (nickel-metalgidridnye, Nickel Metal Hydride batteries).

NiMh technology, the following step of development after NiCad technology (nickel-kadmievoj) with which the majority of us is familiar. Unlike NiCad batteries, NiMH batteries suppose additional charge at any time needlessly completely to discharge the battery.

So, as soon as you have received new, NiMH the battery, to you it is necessary to charge completely before the first use it. We recommend to place the battery before the first use under pressure not less, than at 12-16 o'clock. In an ideal - 20 hours. It is not necessary to worry that excessively long finding of the battery connected to working zarjadnomu to the device, will do any harm. The device has the built in protection and changes pressure according to degree of a charg ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1066 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Company GARRETT development

Company Garrett Electronics Inc., (trade mark Garrett Metal Detectors), has been based in 1964 by the diplomaed engineer and businessm Charles L.Garrettom.

After reception of a speciality of the engineer in the field of electronics in 1959, Charles participates in the space program of NASA, developing components of electronics for the first American lunar expeditions.

Calling becomes a trade

On days off, Charles's lifelong love to search of treasures and adventures pulled it to a countryside where he spent much time with metallodetektorom in search of coins, jewelry and other lost treasures. Disappointed in possibilities metallodetektorov that time, Charles has been convinced that he could create metallodetektor which will allow to find treasures easily and quickly.

Using electronics extensive knowledge, Charles managed to improve technology of detection of metal. In 1964, he has started to deve ... Read more »
Category: Garrett | Views: 1061 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

As you likely had time to notice, any of firms does not publish the data concerning depth of detection metallodetektorov, or specify results only the laboratory researches, rather far from conditions of real search in soil. Differently, at field tests, unlike laboratory, it is necessary to consider set of the factors influencing depth of detection, as that: and many other things, and a soil mineralization it is possible to consider humidity of a ground, mineral structure (a soil mineralization) as a major factor influencing depth. Thus, when speech comes about depth of detection, it is not necessary to be inspired by advertising of the manufacturer or the seller asserting that is a constant. It is necessary to know accurately that depth is defined depending on many variables among which not only properties of soil but also as long the object has lain in the earth, its size, a material from which is created etc.

The main thing in metallodetektore ability ... Read more »
Category: Councils | Views: 1408 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

It is necessary to get used to any detector, will learn it to understand and the main thing not to hasten. Attentively listen that tells the detector, and then at the screen look. The main thing in a sound from the purpose. From a coin a sound accurate, sharp, from a rusty nail faltering and indistinct. The display is your assistant, in the beginning find out the purpose on a sound, find an accurate signal, and now it is possible to look at the display. All is simple. The index of the purpose (3) below - the purpose small, is less than copeck, perekrestie in the top - bolshej Olympic rouble or it is more than index. The more to the right perekrestie the index from the screen centre, the the rating of the purpose is more. The centre 0, and it is maximum to the right 32. At the copper purpose a rating 26-28. The Golden Ring 8-12 (depending on a ring).

Depth to the purpose is underlined in a kind stolbchatoj diagrammes (1), the more a column, the aim to a s ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 1123 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Author: Rudolf Kavchik 

"According to the ITAR-TASS on the banks only Italian beach 
things are lost in the total amount of 25 million euros. " 

Beach search brings great dividends in the water slide off easily with a finger ring, brasletik or conversation. No metal (metal) loss of intuition in the water is almost impossible. Over the years, settled on the beach, hundreds of jewelry, coins, gold and silver chains, rings and all kinds brasletikov. 

According to ITAR-TASS news agency on the shores of the Italian beaches only lost things are in the total amount of 25 million euros. And our beaches are no exception. Modern metal detectors can be configured to ignore traffic jams and other rubbish found on the beach and set in metal detecting only ornaments, but it is not worth doing. 

Anyone who has ever conducted a search on the beach, well aware that there is an enormous amount of debris, along with precious objects: all kinds of cork, ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 1243 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

In September, 2008 has gone on sale new 28 frequency metallodetektor Explorer E-Trac. It is the fourth version well-known Explorer. 

Perhaps, one of remarkable features of new model Explorer E-Trac - completely Russified interface. Hardly now it will be possible to hear opinion that Explorer the difficult device in development. Engineers have tried to make its as much as possible simple, as they say - has included and work. Even the beginner can start to work at once, using only factory options.

Now necessity to create the discrimination and adjustment masks has disappeared, all can be downloaded it from the Internet, having connected E-Trac to the computer through port USB.

E-Trac Possesses the best discriminator in the world as uses for definition of type of metal two physical properties of metal - conductivity and inductance, with a conclusion of the information to the display in the form of the schedule. It allows to define very precisely t ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 1156 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

Explorer SE Professional (the version 3а) has gone on sale in June, 2008 on change Explorer SE (version 3). Changes have concerned the search coil, having replaced old coil SlimLine 10,5 "on new FBS 11".


Explorer SE Professional the detector for professionals. Universal 28 frequency metallodetektor for search of the treasures, the lost jewelry, coins, gold nuggets in technogenic sailings, and it is a lot of another. Possesses the best discriminator in the world as uses for definition of type of metal two physical properties - conductivity and inductance of metal. You will not need to waste time on excavation of unnecessary subjects.

The patented technologies of multifrequency detection FBS and inductive method of definition of type of metal Smartfind have made this machine of the best in the world. Purpose recognition, discrimination, it is based on use of two properties of metal - conductivity and inductance. The purpose is surveyed by all 28th ... Read more »
Category: Minelab | Views: 1107 | Added by: hide | Date: 03.03.2009 | Comments (0)

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